Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Day 2 :]

I’m watching this show called. “If you really knew me”
It reminded me of one day in my life when I was in high school…sophomore year..
Challenge Day.
Challenge day was one of the top 5 days of my life that I will remember for the rest of my life.

From 7th grade until 10th grade, I had a real hard time making friends. I felt that I would truly be alone forever. No boyfriends, no friendships or anything. I was just crazy depressed.

The only person that ever knew about my problems was Halle and my psychologist.
Until Challenge Day. That day was the day where people realized the pain and bullying they were causing just me, but others.

OH so I got this new purple blackberry... and ZOMG I love it so much. This thing is like…..amazing.
And I got a butterfly case :]

I really want to repair all the friendships I’ve ruined in the past…how can I do that D:

Today’s Letter is supposed to be written to a crush….
But I don’t have a crush. Crushes are immature. I love a interest…
But I don’t know how I feel about writing a letter to this person..
So today there will be no letter to anyone.

so Dear _______
i love you :]