Tuesday, September 28, 2010


A lot of things are going right for me right now. I’m getting along with my family, I have an great relationship, classes are going well, I love the college I’m at, and I am finally comfortable with myself and the way that I look and feel.
It’s funny…all throughout elementary school, middle school, and high school…I was the outcast. I didn’t have that many friends, and I was not good at making new ones. When I got into American Jewish University, I was excited but scared. I knew I was going have to make new friends. I was so scared…But I never thought that it would be this easy. The first day I got here, I made so many friends…more friends than I’ve had at one time in my whole life. It makes me so happy (:

Well it happened everyone. I got my first ticket today ]: I was super scared, but I think I was more scared as to how my parents would react…
So I called my mother BAWLING my eyes out, and she was like okay, we’ll take care of it….then I was like…Dad’s going to be mad D:
She just called me back and told me I have nothing to worry about, my dad isn’t mad.
At least it wasn’t a speeding ticket right?

Well here is my new favorite song :]


Sunday, September 26, 2010

really bad at remembering this....

I know, I know...I haven't blogged in a while.

BUT I promised my lovely father that I would blog for him...
now, it may not be every day...but every couple days I think is a good deal (:

Last week, I made a surprise visit to my family!
I came home for the night...and my daddy looked SO CONFUSED!

but all in all, it was great seeing the family!

i think thats it for tonight
LIlah TOV!

Monday, September 13, 2010


I keep forgetting to update my blog D:

However, my daddy likes to read these....so I am trying to remember to do this


School is going really well, classes are awesome...the food is awesome..oh and so are the people!

I saw inception last night.
i don't know how to explain
how CONFUSED i was.


today in my writing class, the teacher had us go around and say our names and a couple of things about us.

so I said.

My name is Rebecca, I like glitter, butterflies, and Jack Skellington.

i wish you saw her face..
it kinda looked liek this.

pretty epic, eh?

She likes butterflies and LOVES nightmare before christmas.
automatic A in the class!
ahhaa. just kidding.

but seriosuly :]

okies. thats it for now! i have to go socialize and make some more friends!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

WOW. i forgot to post for a week

That makes sence...cause I'm now a college girl!

Anywhooooo XD

Last week was orientation, and we learned about the school blah blah blah

then we went on a week retreat to Brandies Bardin Campus (camp alonim) and bonded


adventres there were too epic to talk about :D

Now, this week classes have started. and so far, I acutally don't mind my classes :]

But I am going home today to visit my lovely family for the holidays!

so excite to see everyone, i miss them so much!

Time to do some reading!



Wednesday, September 1, 2010

got my classes!


I am taking:
Intro to self: through the looking glass (writing class)
Writing TUtuorial
Writing Lab
Israeli Literature
and a class called
YIddish Keyet....its about eastern europe!


won't be blogging until monday night!

we are going on a retreat!!!

BYe bye for now!