Friday, October 28, 2011


Right now I am being faced with what will be probably one of the hardest decisions of my life.
Between my boyfriend and my family.

I could sit here and try to put together the pro's and con's of the situation, but I don't really think that will be too productive.

My boyfriend and I have been through 9 months of emotional and trust issues. However, he is the first man I've been with that knows me better than I know myself. He helps me through the turmoil and the problems I face. However, my family does not like him, they refuse to meet him or see him mainly because of his anger management/emotional issues. They believe him to be a danger to me and my family. WHICH I understand why they feel that way.

But doens't it matter how I feel?

I dont want to pick between the two people that I love.

Im so stressed it is making me sick.
My options are.
1) leave the man I love, and loose my second family, be alone
2) loose my family, not just my family, but the support of my family, and be on my own finanacially and emotionally

I dont know what to do.
Im so stressed it is making me sick.

Thursday, August 11, 2011


I haven't updated my blog in a very long time, but I have decided to start it up as much as possible again.

Everything is going so well right now, I am in a happy and healthy realtionship
I am loosing weight and becoming a MUCH happier person, all in al......
Life is going super duper awesome right now.

I now work at Fredricks of Hollywood, which I am enjoying SO much.

What else....I have a new song obession...

amazing song <3

I am trying to get back into dancing and singing again....once schol starts I will be taking a voice and a dance class, which will be so much fun and I am so excited.

At the end of august, I will be auditioning for the Voice :]

Which I am SO excited for.

That is about it....

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Right now.

Right now I am happy.
I am getting ready to embark on a new journey of community college and apartment living.
I have an amazing boyfriend, who gets me more than anyone.

excuse his rediculous sunglasses -.-
anywho, I am just a little bit dissapointed about this school. i wanted to go to this place SO bad. it was the school of my dreams....and then i found out that they lied about me being able to major in what i wanted to major in here, i felt like i have wasted a year here...
yes, i've gained maturity otu of this,
but this school is so expensive, and I did not do anything that made me happy this year.
The one thing that kept me going here was choir, and that got cancelled.

Hopefuly this next year will be great.


Tuesday, March 1, 2011


In the past two weeks, I have developed a new found confidance for myself.
something i haven't had in a long time.
i've been eating better, working out, and trying to stay more positive.
I've been being honest to people, and by doing that I made friends.
I know what i am going to do next year.
I guess....all in all I am finally content with myself.

I'm becoming someone who is more positive, and motivated.
I want to do well, I want to succeed.
The sad thing is, it took someone special to me to tell me that.

I've messed up in the past, but from this day forward I am prepared to be the best person I can be.
Time for class!
